By: Brandi Kruse, Q13FOX
When she was 13 years old, Alicia Kozakiewicz was kidnapped, raped, and tortured by a man she met online.
Four days into her ordeal, fearing he was about to kill her, Alicia was instead rescued by federal agents – who gave her a second chance at life, and an opportunity to protect other children from the same fate.
This week, with Alicia’s help, Washington’s Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force is set to release a series of PSA’s aimed at warning kids and parents about the dangers that lurk online.
Find resources about Alicia’s Law and online safety, below the video.
Visit to learn more about Alicia's Law. Alicia works alongside Protect to pass Alicia’s Law state by state.
Visit to learn more about Alicia's story and her efforts to protect children from online predators.
To report suspicious behavior online, call police or go to
If you're a child or teenage, please tell a trusted adult about anything happening online that concerns you.

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